GOD is good. Regardless of what we do, what we are going through, how we feel one thing remains true and that is God's goodness. Many times we allow our circumstances determine our view of God. We forget that He doesn't change, He is the same. He will always be faithful, loving, kind, merciful.
Let's not forget that God is good, even when things around us are falling apart and we feel as if God has forgotten about us, I assure you He hasn't. Instead of complaining when bad times come take the time to meditate on what is going on and what lessons you can learn from all the chaos. We live in a world where bad things will happen, the bible doesn't promise us that everything will be perfect. I have yet to find a verse that says the way of the LORD is perfect and we will always be happy and trials will never come our way. There's an entire book of a man, a perfect and holy mad that suffer lost after lost, his name was Job. So let's be realistic and let's admit, bad things will happen but what determines the outcome is how I react to it. Will I let whatever circumstance defeat me or will I remain unmoved? Will I let go of God at the sight of trouble and try to do things my way or will I hold fast to His promise that He will never leave or forsake me?
Let's not walk away from God in our darkest moments, this is when we need to run and declare that He is our refuge, our fortress in time of trouble. We can hide under the shadow of His wing. God is good, let's not forget that.