Sin was the cause of death of Jesus Christ, not that He sinned but because of our sins He died (& rose again). He was as much God as He was man, He lived a holy life, He never sinned, He couldn't for He was the lamb who's blood must be shed. He was only 33 years old when He died, at the prime of His life. He had just started His ministry. He was baptized by His cousin, John the baptist. After being baptized the Spirit lead Him to the wilderness to be tempted for 40 days. It took 33 years of training to prepare Him for His calling. 33 years of living holy and loving every one including His enemies. 33 years trusting the Father, 33 years being dependent on Him.
Sometimes I think we forget that Jesus was human. Yes He is the Son of God, He is God but He is also human. He became human for you and for me. So that He could know our struggles, so that He could be our intercessor, for how can you be an intercessor if you don't know what it's like to be in certain situation. He has felt loneliness, He knows what is it to be talked about, mocked and bullied. He knows what it is like to be hungry and to have a need. He knows what it is to be human, to be weak and desperate.
Jesus was a young man when He died, only 33 years old. He spent His entire life preparing for His ministry a great and wonderful but short ministry. We might have a calling in life but none of us know how long our training will be before we actually start walking in it. We can be called to have a wonderful ministry but like Jesus, for we are no better, have to be molded and trained.
He died young so that you don't have to die before your time. He became sin so that we don't have to pay the wages of sin (death). He did it ALL. There's nothing you and I can do to add to what He accomplished at the cross. The only thing left is for us to come to Him with an open heart, one that stands naked before its creator and says, "Here I am, use me, mold me, train me"