December 16, 2010

Organ Failure

Don't you just hate it when you are sick? When your head hurts? or for some people when their heart is not working the way it should? or when the liver fails? or when you need some type of organ transplant because the one you have just isn't cutting it. Don't you hate it when people die because something in their body refused to work the way GOD intended it to work? We hear countless stories of people who come together in an effort to find the cure of an illness and to increase the awareness of a disease.

Why then is it that the church has become so comfortable and indifferent about the body of Christ acting as independent entities? We are called the BODY of CHRIST. Look at yourself you are made of many parts, arms, legs, feet, toes, fingers, eyes, nose, you get the picture. You are not complete if you are missing a leg or an arm or an eye, you need all that to make you. Why then do we insist on being independent christians? independent believers? We are only called to be independent of the world and its fleshly desires but we are called to be dependent on each other for all of us together make the body of Christ, His bride.

When will we understand that we cannot function independently of one another. Just like if my liver fails and I don't get appropriate medical attention I will die. It is the same if a part of the body of Christ is failing the entire body will suffer. I am not a part of church that goes by a certain name, when I accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour I became part of the body of Christ. That body is made up by many people, not just one ministry, not just one church. I might go to one church but I am a member, you and I are members, vital parts of the body of Christ.

You, make a difference. Whether you are making a positive, negative or no difference, you are affecting the body. Stop making excuses for your laziness and start doing what you were intended to do. We are ONE body with ONE voice and ONE purpose and our sole mission in life is to bring as many lives to Christ as we possibly can. We might not see the harvest, but it is our responsibility to plant the seeds.

Christ died for the WORLD. GOD gave His only Son for the world, so let's give Him what He died for, let's give Him the world.

December 15, 2010

New Garments

The day I died for you, I took your filthy garments and exchanged them for clothing worthy of royalty. You no longer need to dress as a beggar, for I have made you heir of a great King.

What are you doing trying to wear your old filthy garments? Do you not know that the day you called Me into your heart, I clothed you with My majesty? I made you one with Me and thus one with the Father. Why do you then insist on dressing like a beggar?

I took your shame that you may have My glory. I took your pain that you may have My joy. I took your illness that you may have My wholeness. I took your anxiety that you may have My peace. I took your loneliness that you maybe feel My Love.

I carried your sins, I stood in for your judgment that you may be reconciled with the Father. Don't refuse the garments that I now give you, please wear them for they were made specially for you.

They are holy garments for when you come into My presence. They are garments of praise for when you want to please My heart. They are garments of prayer for when you want to get My attention and they are garments of humility for when you want Me to find your irresistible. They are garments of holiness so you can behold My face.

written 04.08.10
by: Ana Martinez


"For GOD to be GOD, He must care about His own glory. God must prize Himself above all else, for to prize anything or anyone else more highly than Himself would compromise His worth---and therefore imply that He is not GOD after all."
Matt Redman (Facedown)

December 14, 2010


"in quietness and confidence shall be your strength..." Isaiah 30:15

I stumbled upon this verse earlier this week and honestly I don't think it was a coincidence. What I have learned is that I cannot always be doing, I cannot always be talking, sometimes I need to learn to just be quiet, be still. It is then that I can hear His voice and allow Him to move and do as He pleases. It is only when I am still, quiet and confident that He will do something, that He is able to move, not because He can't move simply that He won't. If He is going to do something on your behalf, He makes it known that its by His power alone that it was done. He does not share His glory with any one or anything. So He'll wait for you to surrender. He'll wait for you to get tired of doing things your way before He acts.

written 04.01.09
Ana Martinez