We come to God with a preconceived notion of who He is and what He is like but just because we have read of Him it does not mean we know Him. If we have read our bibles we know that He is a God who loves us, one who sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins.
We have also read of all the miracles, signs and wonders He is capable of performing. We feed ourselves with head knowledge and sad enough we are satisfied by knowing of Him but never getting to know Him. We come to Him thinking that because He is God He doesn't need the praises of sinners like you or me and you are right He does not need our praises, our pathetic excuse of worship, He deserves it.
Our generation has gotten so use to entertainment and being entertained. We go to church thinking it's a circus, wondering what trick God will do for us today. What foolish creatures we are! Do we not know to whose house we go to every Sunday? Do we not realize in the presence of whom we are when we go to church? Well that is if HE is ever invited in. Church has become such an exclusive club, God does not meet the requirements to become a member.
We go to church once a week thinking we are doing God a favor by showing up for a few hours on Sunday but forgetting all about Him the next 6 days. As if Jesus only takes attendance on Sundays. I'm sorry to inform you Christianity is a lifestyle, a full-time job.
Like they say go hard or go home, in this case is surrender all or go to hell, not that I am sending you there it is your actions that have won you a free ticket with no way out. Let's stop pretending hell is not real, let's stop fooling ourselves by thinking that as long as we are good we won't go to hell. Good by whose standards, yours or God's? God will not be fooled, He will not be mocked.
Just because Jesus came to fulfill the law it does not make His commandments void. He said "you shall have no other god before me" and He meant it, and just to be clear a god is anything that takes His place. He commanded us not to steal or kill but we steal and kill our neighbors dreams and hopes when we gossip and speak bad about them.
To love your God with all of your heart, soul and strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself those are the greatest commandments. But many of us fall short, we might confess we love God but prove ourselves liars when we don't love our neighbors. You cannot love God if you don't love your neighbor. He said love Me with all and He meant all, not a portion. He wants it all and if you are not going to give it all then don't give anything because for Him half of something or nothing are the same thing.