The word of God says that we love Him because He first loved us. God loved you while you were in your mess, He loves you the way you are but when He comes into your life He brings change. There are days when I wonder how can a Holy God love me? How could He want me? I am a sinner and even after I asked Him to become Lord of my life I continue to fall and make mistakes. Sometimes I feel like I couldn't possibly love Him back.
The hardest part for me is admitting that someone could love me enough to die for me, that the creator of the universe would love me enough to give all that He has to have me. My mind cannot understand why would He send His ONLY Son for me. There are times when I feel worthless, I evaluate my life and I feel like a complete failure. But His love abounds, He reminds me who I am and what I mean to Him daily. I am His beloved, I am the one He loves and continues to love even when I fall short of His Glory.
Loving Him back is the easiest and the most challenging thing I have ever had to do. How could I not love the One who died for me? How could I resist Him? How could I refuse to answer His call? I have tried, I have run away, I have ignored His voice only to find myself in His arms.
We need to learn to love Him back, we need to learn to respond to His love. We are capable of loving Him back only because He first loved us. Had He not sent Jesus to die on a cross and pay our debt we couldn't love Him back, our sins would hold us back, our guilt and shame would keep us bound but it's His love that sets us free. Free to love, free to dance for Him and sing to Him.
I challenge you to love Him back, even when you think you are not worthy, especially when you feel like you don't deserve His love just LOVE HIM BACK!!! Learn to see yourself the way He sees you, He sees you and He falls deeper in love with you. He sees you and He counts the sacrifice made on the cross well worth it. He sees you and He doesn't regret creating you.