November 16, 2010


Sin was the cause of death of Jesus Christ, not that He sinned but because of our sins He died (& rose again). He was as much God as He was man, He lived a holy life, He never sinned, He couldn't for He was the lamb who's blood must be shed. He was only 33 years old when He died, at the prime of His life. He had just started His ministry. He was baptized by His cousin, John the baptist. After being baptized the Spirit lead Him to the wilderness to be tempted for 40 days. It took 33 years of training to prepare Him for His calling. 33 years of living holy and loving every one including His enemies. 33 years trusting the Father, 33 years being dependent on Him.

Sometimes I think we forget that Jesus was human. Yes He is the Son of God, He is God but He is also human. He became human for you and for me. So that He could know our struggles, so that He could be our intercessor, for how can you be an intercessor if you don't know what it's like to be in certain situation. He has felt loneliness, He knows what is it to be talked about, mocked and bullied. He knows what it is like to be hungry and to have a need. He knows what it is to be human, to be weak and desperate.

Jesus was a young man when He died, only 33 years old. He spent His entire life preparing for His ministry a great and wonderful but short ministry. We might have a calling in life but none of us know how long our training will be before we actually start walking in it. We can be called to have a wonderful ministry but like Jesus, for we are no better, have to be molded and trained.

He died young so that you don't have to die before your time. He became sin so that we don't have to pay the wages of sin (death). He did it ALL. There's nothing you and I can do to add to what He accomplished at the cross. The only thing left is for us to come to Him with an open heart, one that stands naked before its creator and says, "Here I am, use me, mold me, train me"

November 5, 2010

Being Fruitful On The Tree of Life

This world is in need of change, but it won't come from a great book, a new invention, or a cure of a disease. It will come by men and women pouring themselves out of everything that is within and lifting up holy hands and crying out to God for a complete infilling of His Spirit! -M. Morrissey 

            I sit here today writing this, short or long I do not know. For a long time now I have been dealing with the Words of Jesus and how He refers to us in the Gospels as branches, bearing either good or bad fruit. To bear fruit a branch must be connected to the tree, once the branch is broken off  it is given a certain amount of time before it dies; the branch cannot survive unless it remains connect to the tree. The beautiful thing about this life is that God has created everything, as long as it remains pure in its context, to support the word of God. I raise a question to continually ponder upon, can a branch on an apple tree yield oranges? Absolutely not! So why is it that so many Christians have continually failed to receive the fruits of the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ! Simply put, they are not connected to that Tree of Life but are connect to another tree.

            Upon some trees there sits an abundant amount of branches but they are all supported by the trunk. I want to chuck a random fact your way, according to Arbor Foundation Report, a mature leafy tree can produce up to enough oxygen in a single season that will support the oxygen intake for ten people in an entire year. What are you doing when God places you in a season of growth, causing you to yield what is going to affect hundreds, tens, or even one person a year. The whole heavens rejoice over one person accepting Jesus Christ as, Lord and Savior (Luke 15:10). If tree branches never produce leafs than oxygen would never be created and the world would die. Likewise, if we as Christians don’t allow what God has called us to produce to come forth from our lives this generation and the many others to come will simply die.

            This is not intended to form a religion, idea, or any other type of doctrine. I am simply expressing the length, width, and depth of a revelation that has been developing and is continually developing even as I write. Any words that men write should never replace the words of God that rest within the Holy Bible. I remember the quote I wrote as God spoke into my heart; a person could write a million books and still fail to define the fullness of one biblical scripture. This is meant to illuminate our hearts and minds as Christians and allow many, as I myself have seen, the severe need that we as Christians must meet. We must become the supply of life the world needs and the best way of doing this is to become a branch filled with. THE FRUITS OF HIS SPIRIT!

written by Michael Morrissey

November 3, 2010

A Beautiful and Elegant Countenance

Please visit the following website: 
and read the following post entitled: A Beautiful and Elegant Countenance.