It would be okay if we just did this with designer good but the thing is that we do this with everything, including LOVE. We settle for imitations of the real thing and we take whatever we can find. Real Love is something that we should all be willing to pay the premium price for, its something worth everything we have. If you had the money to buy a real Loui you would probably not settle for the imitation, we have everything we need to acquire Real Love, yet we are settling.
(above image via by {redheadz04)
I love a GOD who not only loves, but HE is LOVE and because He loves He shows His mercies, He shows His loving kindness, He saves and heals, He makes whole. I am in love with a God that only wants the best for me. I am in love with the only one that can satisfy my every need, He completes me, He protects me, He is my everything. Loving Him comes naturally, how can you not love someone that loves you? How can you not love someone that time and time again shows us that He cares? How can you not be willing to pay whatever price to have/to experience true love?
God is love and before you can love another you must first love Him, whole heartily, with everything you have, you need to give it all, surrender it all, leave everything that is keeping you from loving Him the way you should, leave it all behind. When you allow Him to love you, everything in your life changes, bad habits disappear, you start seeing yourself the way He sees you. Things are not the same once you experience His love.
I am in love with LOVE & GOD is love!
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