December 18, 2009

My Prayer

This was todays prayer, I pray it also becomes yours.

Heavenly Father. God of eternal love and mercy. Father I plead the blood of Your Son upon me, cleanse me, deliver me, change me, exchange my heart for Your heart. Make me a priest that ministers before Your presence continuously. Dress me in Your holy garments make me the apple of Your eyes, that I may never depart from Your presence. God I need You, more than a career, more than my family, I need You. I desire You.

God I want to be utterly consumed by You. Take me over oh God. Find pleasure in me. Dance over me with gladness and thanksgiving. Rejoice over me. Be pleased with my heart. Heavenly King search me, know me, have me. God I long for You.

Holy Spirit, precious Spirit be my friend, my all consuming fire, be my holiness and righteousness. Holy Spirit captivate my spirit, let my spirit fall in love with You, let my spirit know You. Let my spirit be poor, contrite and broken. Let it be irresistible to You.

Hear my cry oh God, don't turn Your face from me. Hear my prayer oh Lord, I need You Father for what can I do without You, who can I trust if not You? I call out to You for You are faithful and hear the prayer of Your people. You who sits on the highest throne, You that hold the universe in Your hands, You who knows the heart of every man and woman. You who silence the waters with a simple command. You who quiets my soul with love. You who rejoices when I rejoice and feels my pain and anguish. God I want to love You with everything I do, with everything I have, with everything I am. For what I do is by You, what I have is because You gave it and who I am is who You made me.

My God You made me with a purpose, You created me with a plan in mind. I ask what was that purpose? What was that plan? What did You create me for? Father if it was to love You, teach me to love You with all I have, let me be head over heals, crazy in love, madly in love, no one else can please me like you in love with You. If it was to be a giver, give me a giving heart and provide that I may always have something to give. If it was to speak of You, give me a voice, bold and passionate. If it was to serve You, give me a servants heart, willing to do as commanded without questioning or fearing.

God You have me, now use me! You possess me, You contain me, You consume me, You please me, You give me joy, peace, rest, laughter, passion, boldness, courage, desire, longing, thirst, hunger, compassion. God You created me, I was fearfully and wonderfully made. You saw me before anyone else knew I existed. You knew me by name, knitted me in my mother's womb, held me before anyone, loved me before anyone could love me. Saved me when I was ready to drown, healed me when my wounds were so deep I though I would die. You held me in place when I was ready to flee. You renewed my mind. You restored me. You my God have me. I am Yours. Your possession.

Papa to be found in You, to be lost in You is my only desire.

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