June 29, 2011


Dear Church,

I come to you hoping to find a place where I can worship freely without having to think about the person next to me. I come to you wanting to be free to cry out to God and not have to worry about offending or scaring those around me. I come to you hoping to make you my safe haven, the place I come to when my world is falling apart. I come to you  expecting to find God inside...

Dear People of God,

I come to you broken and scared, not knowing who to trust and what to believe in. I call you my brothers and my sisters hoping to find in you what I didn't find in my natural family. I come to you unashamed to worship a wonderful God not worrying about fitting in but just being myself. I come to you showing you my true colors believing that you will accept me just as God has accepted me...

Unfortunately the Church and the so called people of God have failed my expectations, but I guess that's my fault for believing people could be perfect. If I can't be perfect why would I expect anyone else Christian or none Christian to be perfect. I come to church and I am judge for worshipping a wonderful God, I offend some people with my desperate cries for mercy. The place I once thought I could make my safe haven has become the place I try staying away from because I'll get hurt. I show my true colors only to find out that if the colors do not fit their particular taste I will not be accepted. Sometimes it is easier to find God in the world than it is to find Him inside the church.

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