April 29, 2010

NO compromise

Christianity as you know it is corrupt and it has abandoned the principles which Christ Himself set. Christianity has become just another religion when it was meant to be a relationship and people are right Jesus did not judge but was moved to compassion we find many of examples in the New Testament but He also stood for righteousness and holiness and SIN regardless of what sin it is, to Him and to GOD it's still sin. He died on the cross for the sin of the world, He willingly gave up His life for sin.

Let me just ask you a question and please just for argument sakes play along. Let's say you were walking down a road and I saw a big hole ahead of you and I thought that you could get hurt by falling into the hole. Is it then not my responsibility not necessarily as a friend but as a person to warn you about it? I can sit here and quote scripture to you but what good would that do? I am NOT against the homosexual, I am well aware that they are humans, I am NOT against liars, and thief because they are also humans but what I am against and I am called to be against is SIN. Because of SIN my Savior had to die on a cross, because of it He suffered what I needed to suffered, because of it innocent blood was shed so I wouldn't have to shed mine. I am not calling out homosexuality and perhaps this note wouldn't have bothered people if instead of homosexuality I talked more of lying, stealing, gossiping and adultery, next time I'll make sure I speak of all of them equally for they all are sin.

Of course they are some people that because they read of Jesus in a religious book or history book, they think they know Him. But its more than just reading. Its a lifestyle, its a relationship. It's about prayer, fasting and actually seeking Him. Jesus preached a gospel of forgiveness and compassion but it was forgiveness and compassion WITHOUT compromise. If you read the New Testament when He was moved with compassion and healed someone or saved someone He told them to go on with their lives and sin no more. I dare say that I am following the steps of Christ for He stood at the gates and proclaim "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand" I am proclaiming truth as I know, not MY truth for there's none in me, but I am proclaiming His truth and that is that HE died on the cross for the sins of the world. That's my notion of truth.

April 26, 2010


I am sorry to let my homosexual counterparts know that you CANNOT both be a believer and a homosexual. I love you all with all of me and if I had to give up my life for you to see the truth then I will do it. But you cannot proclaim yourself a CHRISTian and also a homosexual. They just don't go together.

I have homosexuals friends and I am not one to point fingers because we have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. But He has made a way and that way is His Son, Jesus Christ. We are ALL sinners but HIS love has set us free from sin. And YES, homosexuality is a sin just as lying, stealing, committing a murder, and gossiping are sins. SIN is sin, there's no such thing as a little sin, ALL sin regardless of how you weight it, required the SAME price and that price was the precious, guiltless blood of JESUS.

MY sin, YOUR sin. Cost the life of the only begotten Son of GOD. So please don't label SIN small or big. SIN is and it will always be SIN and there's only ONE (1) way to the Father and that is through the blood of His PERFECT, SINLESS SON, JESUS CHRIST!

April 15, 2010


To love GOD is to hate sin. 
To love sin is to HATE GOD!

How many of us see it that way? How many of us DARE see it that way?
Are we too much in love with our sin that we cover it up?
Are we too attach to it that we protect it even from God?

Where is the love that we confess to have towards the Father?
And I am not talking about you (if you feel that applies than praise GOD) but I am talking about myself.
Where is the LOVE?
Where is the PASSION?
Where is the true DESIRE to please HIM?
What have we done with it?! 

OH that HIS people would love HIM. 
OH that HIS people would desire HIM as much as HE desires us!
What would this world be like?

If the world is in ruins, its OUR (the church, the body, the bride) fault.
What have we done with the gift of salvation?

Going back to the 1st love

This video is something we all who call ourself Christians need to hear. 
Because we have taken our salvation too lightly.
He PAID the price in full, there's nothing you and I can add or take away.
He did it all, when He was at the cross He said, "it is finished"

Now it is up to you and I to be a clear reflection of Christ.
Let's stop loving to the pleasures of the world and let us love Him wholeheartedly.