April 15, 2010


To love GOD is to hate sin. 
To love sin is to HATE GOD!

How many of us see it that way? How many of us DARE see it that way?
Are we too much in love with our sin that we cover it up?
Are we too attach to it that we protect it even from God?

Where is the love that we confess to have towards the Father?
And I am not talking about you (if you feel that applies than praise GOD) but I am talking about myself.
Where is the LOVE?
Where is the PASSION?
Where is the true DESIRE to please HIM?
What have we done with it?! 

OH that HIS people would love HIM. 
OH that HIS people would desire HIM as much as HE desires us!
What would this world be like?

If the world is in ruins, its OUR (the church, the body, the bride) fault.
What have we done with the gift of salvation?

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