April 26, 2010


I am sorry to let my homosexual counterparts know that you CANNOT both be a believer and a homosexual. I love you all with all of me and if I had to give up my life for you to see the truth then I will do it. But you cannot proclaim yourself a CHRISTian and also a homosexual. They just don't go together.

I have homosexuals friends and I am not one to point fingers because we have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. But He has made a way and that way is His Son, Jesus Christ. We are ALL sinners but HIS love has set us free from sin. And YES, homosexuality is a sin just as lying, stealing, committing a murder, and gossiping are sins. SIN is sin, there's no such thing as a little sin, ALL sin regardless of how you weight it, required the SAME price and that price was the precious, guiltless blood of JESUS.

MY sin, YOUR sin. Cost the life of the only begotten Son of GOD. So please don't label SIN small or big. SIN is and it will always be SIN and there's only ONE (1) way to the Father and that is through the blood of His PERFECT, SINLESS SON, JESUS CHRIST!

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