April 1, 2009

Stand Still

"...in quietness and confidence shall be your strength..." Isaiah 30:15

Originally uploaded by Jersey2Bronx

I stumbled upon this verse earlier this week and honestly I don't think it was a coincidence. What I learned was that I cannot always be doing, I cannot always be talking, sometimes I need to learn to just be quiet, be still. It is then that I can hear His voice and I allow Him to move and do as He pleases. It is only when I am still, quiet and confident that He will do something that He is able to move, not because He can't move simply that He won't. If He is going to do something on your behalf or for you, He makes it known that its by His power alone that it was done. He does not share His glory with any one or anything. So He'll wait for you to surrender, He'll wait for you to get tired of doing things your way before He acts.

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