March 10, 2009

Draw close

I am determined to have Him, All of Him in my life. But when we draw near He says, you stand in holy ground, therefore get rid of everything that is not adding to your life, get rid of the dirt, clean yourself, sanctify yourself and stand before me holy, for I have called you to be holy for I AM holy. When Moses drew near to the burning bush, God said "take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground" (Exodus 3:5). You cannot stand before God wearing the garments of the world. 

God has been dealing with me, He has been tugging at my heart, first with a whisper but its louder now and I cannot ignore Him. I am determined to have Him regardless of what it takes. God wants only the best for us and as we draw closer to Him, the cleaner we have to be. Even the smallest thing you thought would not show start showing when you draw near Him. He is saying "you say you want all of Me, now I say to you I want all of you. Every part of your life, I want it all, so let go of that that is keeping you from having all of Me, let it go and watch Me work." He is a jealous God and He doesn't share His lover with the world. He wants all of us, just as we want all of Him. If  we want ALL of HIM we have to be willing to get rid of all the junk and prepare a place for Him, a place worthy of a king. 

When the Philistines took the ark of God into the temples of their gods they saw how God destroyed their gods (1 Samuel 5). Are you ready for God to come into you (His temple) and start destroying everything that is not glorifying Him?

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