December 3, 2008

The Great I AM

GOD is the great I AM. He is constant and forever faithful. Our circumstances don't determine the GREATNESS of our GOD. It is in our weakest moments that He is glorified. It is in our darkest times that His light shines brightest. GOD is GOD regardless of what we are going through, regardless of what the doctors says, regardless of what the specialists, the economists, or the government is saying. GOD is GOD. He is the great I AM, never changing, always faithful. I once read, "stop telling GOD how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your GOD is!" sometimes we become so preoccupied with our circumstance that we forget who our GOD is, we let our circumstances define who God is and we forget that GOD is the eternal I AM, He is not defined by anything or anyone. He is who He is and our circumstances, our trials, our tribulations, our heartaches don't affect or determine His greatness.

(above image via photobucket)


The state of the economy is at its worse yet GOD is not changed, He sits on His throne and because of Him the world continues to exist. We forget that it is because of His mercies and love for us that we are still here.

If He should set His heart on it,

If He should gather to Himself His spirit and His breath,

All flesh would perish together,
And man would return to dust 

(Job 34:14-15)

We need to realized who GOD is and what His promises are. That no matter what is going on, no matter what I see or what they say. That what I know is greater and I know that you are my provider, you are my strength, you are my guide, my understanding, my wisdom, my righteous, the light that shines in me, my hope, my victory, my song, my lover, my confidant, my best friend!

GOD is forever faithful and worthy of ALL praise, honor and glory!

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